Friday, June 17, 2016


It is a fruit that originated in eastern North America. In the past, aronia also was the food and medicine for upset stomach and intestines, as well as diarrhea. As a remedy the leaves and bark of the trunk are also used. They are dried and a tea is made from them for the treatment of wounds.
Aronia attracts with its beauty. Its white flowers appear in May and at the time they are one of the most beautiful shrubbery. Especially beautiful are also its leaves that have a lovely red color.
This fruit is also called Siberian blueberry because it can withstand temperatures down to -47 C. It thrives in cool areas and requires spraying because there is no risk of disease.
This means that if you have planted in your home, you will have ecological and very healthy fruit that can be eaten in any time of the year. Towards September already it will give its fruit. Its fruits are resistant, do not fall from the bush and are not languish, you can pick them even two months after their maturation in September.

What aronia is good for?

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