Saturday, August 27, 2016

3 Tips To Remove Onion Smell

First one I will post here:

1. Vodka
Alcohol is an effective for killing bacteria that are caused by bad breath, but also to calm the stomach acids. After the meal, drink vodka or brandy to clear the throat. Maybe if you are drunk, you will have more chances on the date… Maybe not…
Vodka is certainly a better choice than brandy, because unlike other type of drinks, breath will not smell of alcohol. Or will…

How To Iron The Clothes Without An Iron?

Visit: For More Tips!
Iron The Clothes Without Iron 2
Visit: For More Tips!

5 Parenthood Lessons From The Amish

couple happy
1. Allow children to work
Amish teach their children that they should be beneficial and help the family in every way. The various tasks of helping around the house is something that should be pushed from an early years because that way children feel equal with other family members and important for the functioning of the same. It can be simple tasks such as folding their clothes or help around the kitchen.
What is important at such growth is that children acquire work habits and later in life a lot easier to accept and cope with the increasing number of obligations that life brings.
2. Feeding their children with high quality, unprocessed foods
You never hear any child from this community complaining that he did not like the food that should be eaten. Certainly the physical work is one that exhausts and creates hunger but very operation and growing the food we eat teaches you a lot more to appreciate what it is you.
Helping early years in the kitchen to learn how to properly cook healthy food and keep away from the chips and fast food thanks to these children almost never have problems with overweight.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

9 Natural Tranquilizers

If you are under stress in the workplace, the nature offers its solutions for relaxation, the chocolate cube which lowers levels of stress hormones through the scent of lavender which can improve the quality of sleep, so RWL offers 9 tested ways to calm down and relax.

You can not sleep because you’re stressed at work and you have tried all the deadlines to finish what we started? Try aromatherapy with lavender. It has been proven that lavender cures insomnia. It is made from dried flowers and essential oils from plants, every part has a healing effect. You can use milk, tea or lavender candle with the scent of lavender.
Sweet potato
Next time you want to escape from feelings of anxiety, remember this: the sweet potato is a natural enemy of stress, because it is a sweet flavor and is full of carbohydrates. It contains enough fibers that will help you easier to cook food and it affects you to be emotional with physical calm and collected. It also maintains a sense of satisfaction.
It has been proven that when consumed as tea reduces the intensity of muscle cramps and successfully calms the body. However, pregnant women who are allergic to hay and ambrosia must previously consult a doctor before they start to use chamomile.

Emotional Manipulators: Flee From Them As Soon As Possible

1. Eternal victim
People who are using this type of manipulation in any interpersonal relationship in the role of victims in order to thus achieve their intentions. Mostly those who manipulated this way are playing the card of compassion and very often they manage to direct your behavior in the direction in which they want it.
2. Expert smart aleck
People who use this type of manipulation are generally confident and believe they are experts in various fields. They will try to manipulate so that you will be criticized, never underestimate your work and skills, in order to prove that they are better and superior to you in every way.
3. Fake weak
This form of manipulation is used by people who are hiding behind the mask of false weakling, incapable of living without you, condemned to solitude. They are hiding power and strength, and constantly showing their weakness and impotence false to you prevent them leaving.
4. Instigator
Instigator means everything, but they try to achieve their ends so they will try to make you into an argument and to separate you from friends or family members. They can easily and efficiently cause conflict, but they does not even take part in it.


Natural Remedy Against Toothache

This natural remedy for toothache operates literally in seconds. Make it yourself, since only two ingredients that you have in the house. Learn how to make it.
Anyone who has ever had a toothache knows how this nasty pain feels.
This inflammation can occur of many reasons – caries, calculus, cracked stopping, injuries, infections … whatever the cause is, the pain occurs only when the pulp inflammation, but there is a great natural remedy.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Carrots? NO: Grapes Are Great For The Eyes

Generations of children were forced to eat carrots because of the belief that this vegetable is good for eyesight.
Now a new study deliver much “sweeter” discovery, that eating grapes is good for the retina and can reduce the risk of blindness later in life, reports Daily Mail.
Study research laboratory model, published in the journal “Nutrition”, revealed that grape protects against chemical process known as oxidative stress which releases free radicals, harmful to the retina.
Grapes are rich in antioxidants that protect healthy cells from the eye and damage to DNA is believed that these compounds contribute to the vision.

The Forgotten Balmy Tea Rosehip

A small cup of red satisfaction hide great benefits to our health. It is one of the most delicious herbal teas used to relieve various health issues:
1.A source of vitamin C and lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps you fight cholesterol. Due to the high amount of vitamin C it is recommended to consume it during colds, flu or virus infection.

2.To regulate high blood pressure. During the survey conducted in 2010, participants with hypertension drank this tea in different amounts. Among those respondents who drank 3 cups a day was observed a significant reduction in blood pressure.

List Of Teas According To Your Need And Taste

kinesko-rastenieChamomile tea
Helps to facilitate sleep, it is used as a remedy for people who have insomnia
Reduces stress
It reduces menstrual pain
Increases immunity
Powerful antioxidant
It helps weight loss
Increases immunity
Mint tea
It helps with headaches
Improves digestion
It relieves abdominal pain and difficulty
It helps with muscle pain
It helps relieve gas and bloating
Reduces stress

YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE: What Happens When You Sleep In A Cold Room?

sleep 3
Sleeping is extremely important for good health. But the study shows that sleeping in a cold room significantly improves our health.
Cooler bedroom could subtly transform our brown adipose tissue in higher consumption of energy and metabolism, even in the daytime.
A new study, published  by the American Diabetes Association, in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health, investigated the influence of climatic conditions of the bedrooms in which slept five young volunteers over several months.

Lose Weight with Healthy Breakfast

You should keep in mind that eating healthy every morning gives energy to the body and brain, thereby improving productivity. If you skip a meal in the morning until the time came for lunch you will feel tired, exhausted and not able to concentrate on everyday tasks. Some people have a habit to skip breakfast because they think it will contribute to the weight reduction. If you are one of those people just stop. You should know that the morning meal a key role in maintain healthy weight and to lose several pounds.

Read more:

Do You Know What You Can Do With The Garlic?

For many,  garlic is favorite food in the diet, so try to add it in every lunch. However, there are those who can not even smell it, not even to taste. However, garlic is very healthy, which is why many doctors recommend. Besides being a natural remedy can be used for many other things.

Instead of cleaning the face with chemicals use the garlic. Blend the garlic and place a thin layer of skin on the face and make a circular motion for 15 minutes. Finally wash and put a cream.
Fungal infections of the feet
In a bowl put water and gralic and let your feet there for 30 minutes. You can add olive oil and finally to wash your feet.
Eliminate toothache
If a tooth hurts, and you are not able to visit your dentist, garlic will reduce the pain. Break a piece of garlic and place it next to an infected tooth and the pain will soon disappear.


It is a fruit that originated in eastern North America. In the past, aronia also was the food and medicine for upset stomach and intestines, as well as diarrhea. As a remedy the leaves and bark of the trunk are also used. They are dried and a tea is made from them for the treatment of wounds.
Aronia attracts with its beauty. Its white flowers appear in May and at the time they are one of the most beautiful shrubbery. Especially beautiful are also its leaves that have a lovely red color.
This fruit is also called Siberian blueberry because it can withstand temperatures down to -47 C. It thrives in cool areas and requires spraying because there is no risk of disease.
This means that if you have planted in your home, you will have ecological and very healthy fruit that can be eaten in any time of the year. Towards September already it will give its fruit. Its fruits are resistant, do not fall from the bush and are not languish, you can pick them even two months after their maturation in September.

What aronia is good for?

Do You Drink Green Tea? Drink, You Will Be Smarter!

Except that cleanses the body of toxins and reduces the appetite, green tea is good for the mind, confirmed the Swiss University of Basel.
Green tea improves cognitive function and memory, especially it has a good effect on working memory.
In the research, people that have drank green tea completed their tasks better and put the working memory to function better


To reduce unpleasant and annoying itching from mosquito bite, take a ripe banana and place of its shell on the site of the sting. Shell banana helps with bites from other insects.
tea against hormonesGinger can help ease nausea as it appears in some people while traveling and in pregnant women. To make ginger tea, put a tablespoon of fresh ginger in boiling water, leave for 10 minutes and then strain the liquid. Pregnant women can eat ginger biscuits.
Scratches and cuts
If you scratch or cut, apply on the small wound apply honey. Honey will prevent bacteria to develop and to disinfect the wound. When the honey dries, he will act as a natural bandage.
Body odor
If from your armpits or legs the odor spreads, inflict on them a small amount of baking soda. It acts as a natural antiperspirant and reduces the amount of sweat excreted during the day.


They associate a meadow lawn with small white flowers and yellow scented green mint bushes with purple flowers. Too many times in life we drink tea from these herbs. But do we know what exactly are they?
The herb chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla),  is one of the oldest medicinal plants known to mankind. It originates from Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The ancient Egyptians, used it as a remedy for fever, rheumatism, burns, insomnia and problems with digestion. It is harvested during blooming in April and May. The dried flowers of chamomile contain many terpenoids and flavonoids that contribute to its healing properties.

Find out more herbs here:


Crystal Davis is a young woman who share his incredible story with millions of people worldwide who do not believe in the power of natural remedies.
Her story begins 1 year ago…
“The drugs from the pharmacy did not help me, and I was weaker. One woman recommended me to drink hot water with honey and lemon every morning. Of course, I reacted with skepticism, but I decided to listen to her because I was not looking smarter. The flu was gone, but I went in the drink habit.
I started to drink every day and this tradition lasts 1 year. During that time my body transformed in amazing and unexpected ways. Here’s what has changed:


gluten free bread
Bread made of buckwheat today is increasingly popular because of one very important fact – does not contain gluten!
This bread has a very nice taste, easily digested in the gut, but what is most important is that it is very easy to prepare at home. It is completely dietetic foods that are not grown, but are free to consume and diabetics.


Eating only unhealthy food – you’re setting yourself up for some big health problems.
Eating equal amounts of healthy and unhealthy food – you’re pretty much just cancelling out whatever benefit you got from your healthy meals and will end up with health problems it’ll just take longer

Eating only healthy food – you really can’t go wrong here, giving your body the necessary nourishment for you to feel great mentally and physically ðŸ™‚
However don’t feel like every meal has to be healthy, have a cheat meal once a week and don’t feel to limited to eating only healthy when around friends and family who like unhealthy foods.
But the real question here is do you have to go for the unhealthy option when you can make a healthy version of it?
For example, chocolate milkshake, pretty naughty right? Nope, think again, it’s as easy as ABC to make a healthy one.
So we replace all the nasty ingredients with organic fresh ingredients:

Why You Should Not Pause In The Relationship?

Sometimes you feel that the only solution to the current situation is to pause in the relationship, but is that really the right solution?
Communication is one that might solve problems, but a break of several weeks certainly not, because it is likely that during the same well you not will interact, at least not often just as before.
It is likely that at some point you start to reassess where he/she is, who and what is doing and why he/she needed this break...

How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles

dark circles
Dark circles can make us older than wrinkles or gray hair. Changing the color of the skin under the eyes is happening to many of us from time to time For others, the dark circles under the eyes remain as long-term features, sometimes occur as a result of the disease, but are often the result of allergies, insufficient sleep or may even be hereditary.
If allergy is the cause of your problem, treat allergies or remove the allergen (or thing to which you are allergic). Seasonal problems with allergies such as hay fever can often be treated effectively with medication prescribed prescription or those bought at the pharmacy.

TIPS FOR SURVIVING Snakebite: Here’s What You Should Not, And What You Need To Do

You did not watch your step, and something has bitten you. It turns out to be a snake! Do not panic to “our” snake, if it’s even a poisonous, go to health facilities and receive an antidote.The most common place is foot and ankle, in 90 percent of cases. Patients usually say that they walked and accidentally step on a snake. It will then, defensively, bites you. At the site of snakebite you can see two holes, usually at a distance of one to 1.5 centimeters. In most cases, it do not bleed. It is important that after the bite people not move, so it will not come to an accelerated circulation, and thus rapidly to spread the poison throughout the body. After the bite, the leg should be raised, immobilized with some handy resources.