Friday, June 17, 2016


To reduce unpleasant and annoying itching from mosquito bite, take a ripe banana and place of its shell on the site of the sting. Shell banana helps with bites from other insects.
tea against hormonesGinger can help ease nausea as it appears in some people while traveling and in pregnant women. To make ginger tea, put a tablespoon of fresh ginger in boiling water, leave for 10 minutes and then strain the liquid. Pregnant women can eat ginger biscuits.
Scratches and cuts
If you scratch or cut, apply on the small wound apply honey. Honey will prevent bacteria to develop and to disinfect the wound. When the honey dries, he will act as a natural bandage.
Body odor
If from your armpits or legs the odor spreads, inflict on them a small amount of baking soda. It acts as a natural antiperspirant and reduces the amount of sweat excreted during the day.

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